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Face Claim ⚙️

A black man with short, straight black hair in a wheelchair, writing in a notepad. They're wearing circular glasses, a yellow and blue flower crown, a green turtleneck, and a black cardigan. The background is brown with a white, circular cityscape.

Radios ● 24 ● He/They/neo
Last Update: 19:34


Hi! My name is Radios. I am a nonbinary dude. Just a weird little fag doing weird little faggy things. :3

Autistic, Trans, Polyam, Queer


System (Co)Host

:Do Not Interact● 10 Days Ago:

> Basic DNI Criteria

> Politically Right-Wing / Conservative
> Use Slurs You Cannot Reclaim

:Before You Follow● 10 Days Ago:

> I don't put content warnings on food, cursing, or caps.
> I do have an eating disorder so it might be touched on in content but nothing more than how it's making me feel at that time.
> My Disability Tumblr account has secondary accounts which means that, while I can post and you can follow those accounts separately, I can only like and follow by using the primary account.

♡°・:.。.☆♡Nirvana System♡☆.。.:・°♡

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[Art Carrd] Coming soon